Instructor Name

Musa Idris


PRM Handling


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Course Requirements

  • General knowledge of occupational therapy and ADA guidelines is beneficial, although not required.

Course Description

This course is an outline of the project I completed with Open Doors Organization for my occupational therapy doctoral capstone experience. Open Doors Organization is a nonprofit organization based in Rosemont, Illinois that focuses on advocating for the needs of individuals with disabilities in the areas of tourism and transportation. The goal for this project was to help create a more inclusive environment in the airport to better serve their customers and travelers in wheelchairs as well as other disabilities. I wanted to make sure that the needs of individuals using wheelchairs are being met and that they are able to engage in meaningful occupations without fear or anxieties with the travel experience.

The presentation will review the needs assessment, critically appraised topic, capstone objectives, and the projects and activities I completed while at Open Doors that met the doctoral capstone objectives. We will discuss the need for accessibility in aviation for individuals in wheelchairs and gain a better understanding of the challenges and barriers these individuals face. You will then see in more detail the projects I completed with Open Doors Organization and how they can apply to a general practitioner of occupational therapy in everyday practice. These skills include advocacy, research, networking, and much more.

Course Outcomes

  • Identify general statistics for individuals in wheelchairs and rates of mishandled wheelchairs in airports
  • Identify needs of individuals in wheelchairs with airports and flying
  • Recognize the need for accessible airports for travelers in wheelchairs
  • Explain the importance of damage to or mishandling of wheelchairs

Course Curriculum


Musa Idris

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0 Students
1 Courses

Musa utilizes his many years of first-hand airport experience to provide engaging and informative aviation ground handling courses. His students appreciate his dynamic teaching style.

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Accessibility for PRM's within Aviation


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